I was reading over Maureen Dowd's article this morning about Twitter civility, when my eye stopped at this statement by Farhad Manjoo, that Twitter had “tweaked its central feed to highlight virality, turning Twitter into a bruising barroom brawl featuring the most contentious political and cultural fights of the day.” Really? I've had a Twitter account for a few years and I never get any politically virulent tweets in my personal feed, but then I only follow NLP and ML researchers, people I have worked with, a couple of literary sites, etc., pretty nerdy stuff. I vote, I keep up with issues by reading national news, I occasionally write my Senator and await his patronizing reply. I would call myself mildly politically active but I have always thought that posting something political on the Internet was pointless. It seems that a lot of people feel otherwise. I've been missing out on the bruising barroom brawl. Thankfully. The article went on to mention that Twitter was...