
Showing posts from September, 2018

DFW R Users Group

The DFW R User's Group has a monthly Meetup meeting .  On Saturday September 22, 2018, I gave an overview of machine learning with R based on my book. Here is a link to the presentation :  If you just see html, click the "open with chrome" link at the top. Here is a link to the quick demo . Download the demo and presentation files here . I had a great time and I highly recommend this group to anyone interested in R.

Data Sets

One of the hardest parts of starting out with machine learning used to be finding good data. The UCI Machine Learning Repository was the most comprehensive site, and still is a great resource. The site currently has over 440 data sets. Later,   Kaggle   and similar sites became popular. Google AI is becoming a comprehensive resource for both tools and data. As of this writing, Google has made available over 50 data sets for machine learning, and I'm sure more will come in the future. It's an exciting time to get into machine learning!